Celebrating Games Workshop Terrain

As we have in the past few months, we try and expose you to some of the great terrain that the Model Terrain Company of the Month has to offer.  We’ve seen plenty of these kits in the past, yet as new pictures are released by Games Workshop it is clear that they are very inventive with the use of their terrain kits.  Forge World is great in this department too.  It’s why we all want to go and see it with our own eyes.

The coolest thing is they show you how many of the terrain builds go together.  You can find a lot of great videos if you subscribe to their twitch channel or a quick search on YouTube.  Games Workshop terrain is so unique that you can look at the insane builds they put together and figure out what pieces and from what kits they used too.  Many terrain boards maximize the use of the City Ruin kits and so I wanted to feature those today.

Next time you are looking at a custom terrain board by Games Workshop or ForgeWorld, see if you recognize where they pulled the pieces from.

We will have a Games Workshop terrain giveaway at the end of the month.  The way to sign up is to like the NGC40k Podcast Facebook page or follow us on twitter @ngc40k.
#30k #40k #gamesworkshop

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